Win Sein Taw Ya - Reclining Buddha
The largest reclining Buddha image in the world, Win Sein Taw Ya, is situated about 20 km south of Mawlamyine on the main road to Mudon. It can be clearly seen for miles as you leave Mudon for Mawlamyine on the right side of the road in amongst the hills almost directly opposite the hill top Buddhist shrine of Kyauktalon Taung. The reclining Buddha is 180 meters in length, and 30 meters in height.
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Htaukkyant War Cemetry - Thanbyuzayat
The well maintained grounds of the Htaukkyant War Cemetry is located 1km from Thanbyuzayat's main town center on the road to Kyaikkami and Setse, and approximately 60 kilometers south of Mawlamyine. It is established on land that was donated by the Burmese people to the Commonwealth War Graves
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